by O'Farrell | May 8, 2013 | Featured, I Got a Job!

Michael Osburn
This awesome news came in a few weeks ago and I’m just now getting a chance to publish it. Networking and branding were keys to landing the job. Michael wrote to me recently and said, “The job is going great. I am very happy with my decision. Every day I am thankful and blessed; I feel like I am in the right place.”
Michael, I a very proud of you!
– Dave
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Hi Dave,
Great news! I’ve accepted the “Project Management” position with Foley Products. We had a three-hour interview session yesterday and they extended me a verbal offer. I called Bob yesterday afternoon and negotiated the final offer and that was enough to make the deal. I finished the background check and drug screen this morning. I start work on Monday @ 8:00 AM!!!
I am very pleased with this round of job searching and I would like to thank you for all the support and encouragement – not to mention the skills that you have taught me. I do know that I will never take for granted the power of networking and the importance of constant campaign strategy and brand development. I will be better prepared if there comes a time for change again.
All of this has culminated through my faith in God and has truly restored my soul and revealed to me the true power of prayer. I will share my knowledge and my testament with whomever will listen to honor God, yourself, and all those that tried to lend a hand.
Thank you for believing in me,
Michael Osburn
by O'Farrell | Apr 24, 2013 | Featured, I Got a Job!
Praise the Lord, people are landing good jobs. Here’s a story from one of the 15 people I mentioned in a post last week. I hope you will read this and be encouraged. Friends, there is always hope, no matter how poorly things are going at the moment. And Nancy, I am very proud of you! – Dave
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Good morning Dave,
It’s confirmed, as of an hour ago, I am newly employed!!! I accepted an offer with SYNNEX as their Senior HR Business Partner. I start April 29th.
I cannot thank you enough for all of your support. The job search tools and the thought process that you taught me in searching for employment have been invaluable. I will now continue to use them in my recruitment process internally within organizations. Your continued follow-up calls, emails, encouragement – and at times a good kick in the butt or pep talk – really kept me focused and positive, when falling into a depressed and unproductive state could have been so easy.
I have a new understanding and a great appreciation for outplacement assistance. I will now encourage companies that I work for to offer it more often, and direct people that I know searching for employment to seek out a reputable source.
Thank you is such a small token of my gratitude but it is enormously heart felt!
Nancy Towsley
by O'Farrell | Apr 18, 2013 | Featured, I Got a Job!

James Statzer
Wow, what an awesome two weeks. Seven O’Farrell clients land jobs last week and eight so far this week. Congratulations to Mike, Russ, Lecia, Nancy, Donald, Tim, Randy, Kyle, Kesha, Barbara, Shelly, Jackie, John, Debra and James. Praise God that I get to do what I do and to see God’s hand at work in the lives and careers of so many people.
Here’s a story from a client of mine from 2010 who has been managing his career pretty well since then. James just landed a great job where his first assignment is in Baton Rouge. Turns out I’ve been working with a delightful client in Baton Rouge just this past week. Small world.
James I look forward to seeing you at JobSeekers very soon, but this time as a member of the Ship’s Crew. Blessings on you and your family!
– Dave
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Perhaps a little different than how you often hear that phrase; but, you did ask for feedback after our phone conversation a few weeks ago and I wanted to let you know that things worked out very well… again! I am now Senior Consultant for Cymetrix Corporation on location at a client site in Baton Rouge, just about three weeks since our last discussion. Since we first worked together in 2010, I have worked my way to effectively doubling my salary from the job that I left that year!
Even during the first few days in this position, I can say I love this company, my new team of colleagues, and the work assigned to me. It is not a stretch to say that this is what God has been working on all this time in order to place me (and my family) in His will and design for my career.
Thank you, Dave, for your role in this journey that He has me traveling on. The training, advice, and encouragement you offered me in this process – in 2010 and a few weeks ago – is priceless!
One other benefit in this position is that I expect to be traveling Monday through Thursday for projects with Friday’s free to give back some of my time and experience as a member of the Ship’s Crew at JobSeekers of PTC. If I have enough energy left after this first week, I will try to drop in this Friday morning; but, I wanted to go ahead and let you know now of this result.
God’s blessings to you and all in your ministry!
James Statzer
by O'Farrell | Mar 6, 2013 | I Got a Job!

You can do it; O’Farrell can help!
Want to know how to make your own luck? Make good decisions. Here’s a story of a good investment. A new resume helped this client land his #1 job at his #1 target company.
Brandon had been looking for a job for almost six months when he finally asked for professional help with his resume. He landed a job less than six weeks later. In fact it was 40 days later.
How cool is that?
Congratulations, I’m very proud of you!
– Dave O’Farrell
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Dave, I accepted a job with Home Depot this morning. It is the position I wanted with the company I wanted – how sweet is that?
Thank you again for all of your help with the résumé – I went from one or two calls every couple weeks to a call just about every day.
You open doors!
– Brandon Downs
by O'Farrell | Feb 3, 2013 | I Got a Job!

Kevin Love
Kevin Love was at JS last week to share his good news. He asked me rework his résumé and then he followed my advice. Along with the résumé in MS Word, I set up his LinkedIn profile, showed him a few secrets to leverage the power of Li, and gave him a text-only version of his résumé. I recommended that he post his new résumé on several job boards.
Look what happened next: 30 screening interviews and one great job offer in 14 days. It’s the second or third time in less than four months that one of my clients landed a job within two weeks of having me redo their résumé.
During our consultation, Kevin was worried about how long it might take to find a job. We were both pleasantly surprised. Congratulation Kevin!
– Dave O’Farrell
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Yesterday, after talking to about 30+ recruiters and networking with a dozen individuals, I received a job offer from Georgia-Pacific!
In one of our sessions, you gave us six or seven methods that we could use to get a job. You also mentioned that normally individuals are successful when they combine one or two of the methods. That was what happened in my case. My offer came out of posting my resume online which lead to me getting called by a recruiter who told me about the job. I then networked with other individuals who called the hiring manager and that lead to me getting an interview.
It amazes me how it all works.
Thanks for all that you do!
Kevin Love
by O'Farrell | Jan 9, 2013 | I Got a Job!

Brad Matheny
Man, it was great to get to know Brad Matheny in the past few months. Super guy. Class act. Sorry to learn that he is in Honolulu (without me) today meeting his new teammates.
Can’t help but notice the line in here about Brad’s transition journey being “extremely positive and enjoyable.” Mine was in 1992, and that’s why I knew God was calling me into the career management business and ministry. My hope, and my prayer, is that all job seekers reading this will find positive and enjoyable times during your job search journey.
Congratulations Brad; very proud of you!
– Dave O’Farrell
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JobSeekers Ship’s Crew,
I really do not know where to start. Each one of you have given of yourselves so freely and provided me assistance in so many ways. My only wish is that I would remain in the area to help this wonderful ministry and continue to interact with this outstanding group on a regular basis. If there is something I can help with or someone I can help, don’t hesitate to let me know.
I recently accepted a position with Hawaiian Airlines and will be their Senior Manager for Cargo Operations. The position offers so much and I am really looking forward to the opportunities that will be available. I have been extremely blessed. It is bittersweet as we will be relocating. Georgia has been very kind to us; many good things have occurred and we have come in contact with so many wonderful people during our four years since leaving California.
My transition journey, although long, was extremely positive and enjoyable. I will say it was not without rough patches. JobSeekers and the individuals involved provided the support needed during those times.
Your dedication is amazing and I will truly miss you all. Please look me up if you ever find yourself on the islands, I sincerely hope you will. I am connected to you all on Linkedin which I intend to maintain and continue to grow, so no excuses!
Thank you so much. I wish you and your families an outstanding 2013!
Kind regards,
Brad Matheny