by O'Farrell | May 25, 2012 | I Got a Job!

Donna Anderson
Back in 2006 I had the pleasure of helping Bill Anderson land a good job in our community. He works for the same company to this day. Our success story this week comes from his wife Donna. Job loss and career transition are a part of life, and can have a tremendous impact on the family. Things are turning out great for the Andersons. I’m proud of them, and wish them all the best. Congratulations Donna!
– Dave O’Farrell
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I wanted to let you know that I took the job at LVS and will start tomorrow.
Thank you for taking the time to listen to me and help me with my job search. I believe my job search this time was shorter because I went through your workshop and learned the different techniques of obtaining another job.
Thanks again for everything.
Donna Anderson
by O'Farrell | May 18, 2012 | Uncategorized
And speaking of springs in central Florida (in this week’s inspiration section), Ray Hudson accepted a great position with a company that is headquartered in that region – in a city that is known for their bottled water. Ray was at JobSeekers a couple of Fridays ago to say “farewell and good luck.” He’s on his second week on his new job.
I had the pleasure of getting to know Ray better about eight weeks ago when we began to work together as coach and client at OCM.
Congratulations Ray!
– Dave O’Farrell
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Hey Dave,
As I summarized in our conversation, RTD Construction of Zephyrhills, Florida offered me a position that is just as good as my old compensation and benefits package at Ruby-Collins. I will remain here at travel to job sites in the region. I’m thrilled.
I start work on Monday May 7th.
– Ray Hudson
Certified Safety Professional (CSP)
Environmental, Health and Safety Director