Frequently Asked Questions

In Case You Were Wondering…


Over the years, we’ve found most people have similar questions about career transition assistance in general and our services in particular. Here are the answers to the most commonly asked questions. If you don’t find what you are looking for here, please call or email us.


FAQ #1: Do you prepare résumés?

Yes. Almost every client asks for résumé help. We are strong on both content and format. We notice our clients’ résumés and cover letters get more attention than others — far ahead of the industry average. Recruiters and hiring managers tell us that they like the clean, professional format and the accomplishment-based content.


FAQ #2: My job campaign is stuck; can you help?

Yes, we can! Let us add this: when we find a person who is stuck, 100% of the time the problem is more than just the résumé. As we say, using a résumé effectively might get you in the door, but it won’t win the job for you by itself. We can assist with your focus, strategy, marketing plan, references, cover letters, and other printed materials. We can also transform your LinkedIn profile into a marketing weapon. More importantly, we can build your confidence by teaching you the critical networking and interview skills you need to win the job of your dreams.


FAQ #3: How much does it cost?

We have a flexible fee structure to meet almost any need. Our fees are competitive with other providers of career coaching and outplacement services.


FAQ #4: Can you help my spouse?

That depends on what kind of help your spouse needs! If you have been transferred into the area, we will gladly help your spouse find a suitable career.


FAQ #5: Can you help me even if I don’t live in Atlanta?

Yes. We have worked with many virtual clients. We’d like to meet everyone face-to-face, but when it’s not practical, we can accomplish the same things in person, over the phone, by email, and via Skype.


FAQ #6: What’s the difference between JobSeekers and O’Farrell CM?

Click here for the answer.


FAQ #7: How long will it take for me to find a job?

The first thing we want to address is the myth that it takes a month for every $10,000. It’s not that cut and dried. There are too many variables in play: some you can control, some you can’t, and some you can influence. Here are some of the variables to consider:

  1. Attitude, initiative, motivation and effort.These are some of the key factors in a successful search. Stay positive, stay focused, work hard, work smart — and you will have success.
  2. Job function. Is your field growing? Are you changing fields? Are your skills current?
  3. Industry. Some industries are performing better than others. Are you choosing a growth industry?
  4. Geography. Are you willing to relocate or commute long distances?
  5. Compensation and benefits. Are you aiming for the top of the range in your function and industry?
  6. Age and image. Many employers have preconceived notions about the ideal age for a particular position. Hopefully, your age and their notion are about the same. Update your image and make sure it is aligned with the position you are seeking.
  7. Unemployment rate. This and other economic factors play a big part in transition time. In your particular situation, it may or may not, depending on these other variables.
  8. Résumé. This and other printed materials make an impression — make sure it is a good one!
  9. Coaching. A good career coach can help in many ways: strategies, weapons, skills and motivation.
  10. Strategy and execution. Are you using all job search techniques in the right proportions?
  11. Interaction skills. Presentation and job search skills — especially networking and interviewing skills.
  12. Organizational habits. The ability to follow through on a plan or a promise.
  13. Luck. The 13th variable is luck! It can be good or bad, but even luck isn’t completely out of your control. The Roman historian and philosopher Seneca said, “Luck is what happens when opportunity meets preparation.”

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